The kick-off meeting of the European project entitled “DIGITAL Innovation for young Students (DIGITALIS)” took place on Tuesday 13 October. The DIGITALIS project is funded under Key Action 2 of the Erasmus+ program and will last 2 years (01/10/2020-30/09/2022). The project involves five partners, the University of Thessaly (Greece), the companies Kalys Solutions (Cyprus), INTERACTIVE 4D (France), FUG Consultores (Spain), and the state agency Inspectoratul Scolar Judetean Arad (Romania).
The DIGITALIS project aims to cultivate digital skills and entrepreneurship mindsets from an early age, focusing on primary school students. Providing an innovative pedagogical and methodological framework with new and innovative approaches based on technology and especially serious/educational games, the project aims to empower the acquisition of basic skills and competences for both students and teachers. Specifically, during the project the educational framework will be developed dedicated to primary school students aged 8-12; a serious game will be created aiming to promote the development of skills including digital skills, innovation, critical thinking, etc.; the educational framework and serious game will be implemented and evaluated and the best practice guidelines of the DIGITALIS project will be developed, which will summarize the experience gained throughout the project, the methodology and the instructions together with the tools developed and implemented. The project will be implemented by 25 primary school children in the participating countries.
The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic are incalculable for millions of students and teachers and the uncertainty of tomorrow necessitates the strengthening of digital skills and highlighted the need to implement new teaching and learning technology-based approaches.